"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald

The War in Gaza

The vast majority of Israelis who were killed on the 7th of October 2024, were left-wing Jews. (Many of them were on the far left.)

Because of the October 7 attacks Israel has moved to the Right. See The Great Shift to the Right in Israel is Happening and After Hamas Attack, The Left Needs to Finally Wake Up and  

If you wish to understand what motivates HAMAS, Hezbollah, the Ayatollahs, and every other Islamic terrorist group in the Middle East, you have to understand the ideology that drives them. If you haven’t read The Third Choice by Mark Durie, chances are you are ill informed (or at least not as well informed as you should be) and should not be condemning or supporting either side in this conflict.


Christian-Muslim Relations: Implications for Jews and Israel

What is Hamas?

Turn the Other Cheek? Is Pacifism Right?


Palestinian Leadership

Who Will Lead the Muslims Today?

Islam's Crisis of Apostasy