"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald

Two Kinds of Addicts

There are two kinds of addicts. The addict who knows they have a problem and the addict who doesn't think they have a problem.

The addict who does not think they have a problem is very difficult to help; the bad news is we're all addicts. And since most of us don't think we have a problem we are the worst kind of addicts.

"Everyone who sins is a slave to sin." (See John 8:34)

We are not all slaves to drugs, but we all sin, therefore we are all slaves to sin.

Fortunately, God is in the business of setting people free.

"Our wrong deeds are our dead works; our evil thoughts are our live sins. These, the essential opposites of faith and love, the sins that dwell and work in us, are the sins from which Jesus came to deliver us. When we turn against them and refuse to obey them, they rise in fierce insistence, but the same moment begin to die. We are then on the Lord's side, as he has always been on ours, and he begins to deliver us from them." ~ George MacDonald, The Hope of the Gospel

God will make everything right. He will ensure justice is done. And strange as that may sound, it is good news for the worst of us.

