"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald


If you were able to ask the following questions of all the ladies in the world, how do you think most would answer?

What do you really want? Do you want love and romance and commitment more than sex? Or is sex more important to you?

After watching the video below, The Economics of Sex, Miss C. had this to say:

My female counterparts who are practicing the norms of our current dating culture are hurting us intensely. Having "friends with benefits" reduces our chances of acquiring sustained happiness. Our value is "far beyond rubies." We need to remind our sisters out there, that we are a priceless, hot commodity.

What about men?

If you could choose between the following what would you want? Sex with as many women as you wanted? Or sex with just one lady whom you were deeply in love with?

Sex is meant to be a man's deepest expression of love towards the woman he loves. A man who is in love can't get enough of the woman he loves.

"Love has ever in view the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds. Where loveliness is incomplete, and love cannot love its fill of loving, it spends itself to make more lovely, that it may love more; it strives for perfection, even that itself may be perfected—not in itself, but in the object. As it was love that first created humanity, so even human love, in proportion to its divinity, will go on creating the beautiful for its own outpouring. There is nothing eternal but that which loves and can be loved..." ~ George MacDonald

Ok. But what if you’re just a single sexually frustrated man? Consider what this man has to say.

Sex without love is soul destroying.

Nothing is more powerful than love. Paul Faber's Dressing Room is a chapter from a 19th century love story which highlights just how beautiful and fragile love is. Love makes us vulnerable, but only love can fill our hearts and satisfy our souls.


Are we giving children mental disorders? A writer for the Wall Street Journal says yes (see here).

Should something be done about prostitution?

Dennis Prager on Porn, the Sexualization of Kids, and Gotcha Moments


