"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald


“Folk are always talking about saving souls; but too often, when they think they have saved them, it seems to me they’ve only taken from them the sense of their great need of saving. I would have a man know in himself more and more the need of being saved, till he cries out and shouts, ‘I am saved, for there’s none in Heaven but thee, and there’s none upon the earth I desire beside thee! for every man, woman, child, and live creature, is to me but as a portion of thee, whereon to let the love run over that will always be rising in him like a fountain!’ When a man can say that, he’s saved, but not till then, though he may have been long years upon the road, and ever coming to that goal of all hope, the heart of the father of me, and you, and Doory, and Eppie, and all the nations of the earth!” p.272 Donald Grant by George MacDonald (1824-1905)

When you desire God more than anything he can give, when he means everything to you, you are saved.


What is the Gospel?



Free Will