"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald

Psychological Warfare

Psychological warfare is

“…the art and science of how to make your own soldiers patriotic, while how you make the enemy soldiers pacifists.” - Dr Ron Schleifer 1

You can demoralise your enemies by getting them to focus on the bad things in their own society/culture/religion etc (past and present) while ignoring the good. If you do this well, many of your enemies will not think that their civilisation is worth defending. They may even start attacking their own beliefs/values/institutions and spreading your propaganda.2

In recent years the Chinese government has been engaged in psychological warfare against the west. The Chinese government tries to suppress all criticism of China—which it successfully does in China—while encouraging people to attack the west (which it encourages in China and the west. See the YouTube video The TikTok 'BAN' Explained - It's Already Banned in China!  by China Fact Chasers). It has also been encouraging it's own citizens to be hostile to westerners, particularly Americans. (See "KILL AMERICANS" - China's New Education Campaign in School  by Laowhy86.)

Much of the Islamic world has also been engaged in a serious campaign to undermine the morale of westerners by encouraging westerners to focus on the evils of the west, while doing all they can to promote Islam. Their main propaganda arm is Al Jazeera (see AJ+ Is Al Jazeera | 5 Minute Video).

This has also been the basic strategy of groups like Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Hezbollah, and Hamas. They will do all they can to demonise the west, while turning their own fighters into blood thirsty killers. They try to convince people that Islam is peaceful, and the west is an aggressive colonial force that is only interested in power. If Muslims do awful things, they must have done it because they were provoked into doing it by evil westerners.

Even many heads of State in the Islamic world are engaged in an orchestrated campaign to undermine the west and promote Islam in the west. See the video The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law  by Stephen Coughlin.3

The campaign by hostile forces against the west has been largely effective. Because democratic nations have been the main target of psychological warfare, most people dare not even look at the problems in China or the Islamic world. (Because many westerners have been persuaded that Islam is a peaceful religion, they do not consider the possibility that the major problems in the Islamic world stem from—and have always stemmed from—Islam’s religious leaders. (See “Australian Imams Stand up for Sharia” and The Third Choice by Mark Durie.)

Perhaps most westerners simply do not care about those who suffer in China or the Islamic world. (Do you see those who are protesting against Israel complaining about human rights violations in Yemen, Somalia, Sudan etc? Are these protestors even aware of the hundreds of thousands of people who have been killed in Yemen in recent years? See also the YouTube video How the Current Middle Eastern Conflicts Affect Local Christians by the Melbourne School of Theology)

If western governments do not begin to seriously counter the propaganda which is being spread by communists and Muslims, there will eventually be so much civil unrest that their governments will collapse. Then the most violent will take power and all our freedoms will be lost (which includes the freedom to criticize those in power).

If you think communism is the answer to capitalist greed, read “Prices and Markets” in Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell and try refuting the arguments in chapter 7 of The Government Against the Economy by George Reisman. (As to equality, there's an interesting video on YouTube about how communist leaders in China lived in luxuary while the people starved. See Will a socialist economic system end wealth inequality and poverty? Common prosperity or poverty? by Lei's Real Talk. Russia was no better. See The Unspeakable Things The Bolsheviks Did During Their Reign by A Day in History and Why True Equality Was Never Achievable in the Soviet Union by Thomas SowellTV.)

If you’re not a Muslim and you think living under Sharia wouldn’t be such a bad thing, read The Third Choice by Mark Durie.



The YouTube video Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA,JAPAN,CHINA,USA, FRANCE etc by Amit Sengupta

The War on the West by Douglas Murray

The Third Choice by Mark Durie

Shepherds for Sale by Megan Basham


1. From The Caroline Glick Show: Ep. 114: The Psychological War Being Waged by Hamas, 13 Sep 2024

2. The U.S. is particularly vulnerable to such attacks because Americans enjoy more freedom of speech than people in many parts of the world. However, it should be noted that the solution to this problem is not less freedom of speech, but more. For example, people should have the right to argue that Islamic law should be implemented in the west, but others should also have the freedom to publicly argue against the view without the fear of being censored or persecuted for doing so.

3. For an indepth look at how radical Muslim groups have successfully infiltrated and influenced the U.S. government, see Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad


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