"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald

Bible Translators

Translators are a bit like people who build tunnels for trains and motorways. Those people are specialists. Some will only have been involved with building one tunnel, but many will have been involved in building two or more tunnels. It’s what they do.

Translators are like that. Many of those who translated the NIV would have been involved in other translations.

Why would this be a problem? See “Presuppositions and Interpretations” in Diane Perkins Castro's book Confessions of a Tomboy Grandma (chapter below shared with permission of the author). I also highly recommend chapter 4 in Thomas Talbott's book, The Inescapable Love of God.


Presuppositions and Interpretations

Reading into the Text

Is Hell Eternal?


Hermeneutics and Hell: Biblical Interpretation and Universal Salvation