"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald
"...if we be honest with ourselves,
we shall be honest with each other." ~ George MacDonald

A Miracle

“Wilful blindness is the refusal to know something that could be known.” - Jordan Peterson

You say miracles are not possible. How do you know?

“Science has proven that miracles are not possible?”

How has science proven that miracles are not possible?

This is the question that never gets answered. Just because a claimed miracle is proven to be a hoax, it does not mean that all claimed miracles are hoaxes.

Have you dared to look at the evidence for Jesus death and resurrection? Or have you simply dismissed it without bothering to look?

A person may believe miracles are not possible and yet be honest enough to take a look at the evidence; such a person says, “I don't know if miracles are possible.” That’s honest.

If you’ve never looked into this and would like to know where to begin, the movie “The Case for Christ” (2017) is a good place to start. See also The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona


Reconciling the Bible and Science on the Age of the Earth (John Lennox)


What is the Gospel?

The Resurrection